It is now time to say goodbyes to my SBE journey. The journey that begin with a LinkedIn connection, helped me set my foot as an ESD Consultant in the industry. 

Over the past three months, I had the opportunity to work on a variety of projects. It helped me get acquainted with current industry standards, methods and best practices. I had some hands-on experience working in compliance with the ESD clauses and consistent use of construction codes to create SDA’s required for town planning. I learned various tools such as First Rate5/ NatHERS, STORM, NCC, IES-VE and BESS during this process. The three months of my internship were engaging, full of adventures and new learnings. This internship, therefore, has a significant role in adding value as a head start to my career as an ESD consultant. 

I am grateful to Sean and Rob for giving me this opportunity to be a small part of SBE and Peddle Thorp. I would like to thank them for their and consideration. I am happy that I was able to grab this opportunity and make the most out of it. 

Alas, it’s time to say hello to the new adventures!

Wishing you all, the best.

Thank you.   

- Regards, 

Pooja. Vaidya 

Thinking about incorporating ESD initiatives into your next project?

Whether you are considering incorporating ESD initiatives into your next project, or you need to demonstrate a commitment to sustainable design to planning authorities, or you need Section J reporting for Building Permit, we would love to hear from you!
