Hello everyone!

Mark reporting: This week, we worked on the DTS. Rob taught us how to understand and find the information from different architectural drawings. Basically, the uncompleted DTS report includes three parts from J1 to J3. J1 is about the Building Fabric, J2 is about Glazing and J3 is about Building Sealing. Each of us had our own part to do and my part was J1. I need to read both National Construction Code Series and architectural drawings to complete the DTS report. I found it hard to understand the architectural drawings. Rob taught me the procedure of finding the information from the architectural drawings and helped me to finish the Building Fabric part. After that, I have reviewed the method that he showed me and tried to do it again. Today, we will try to finish the 10-star rating on Firstrate5 for our design competition. Next week, we will concentrate on the design competition and make sure we can submit next week.

Leah Reporting: This week was different for myself as I had the opportunity to attend meetings with some of Peddle Thorp’s experienced architects. These meetings were eye opening into the negotiation and politics’ side of architecture that often dictate the design outcomes. As one of Peddle Thorps design director Peter Brook explained to me on the way to the first meeting at the Moonee Valley Council Centre ‘Architecture is a performing art’ - the hardest part is actually convincing people to like the design. The council meeting was very enlightening for my learning as Peter pitched a large aquatic centre design to the council and consequentially I now feel like I’ve had a crash course in aquatic design. The second meeting was run by Paul who is designing with a team, a 200-dwelling master plan for a new development on an ex-quarry site at Ferntree Gully. Besides these meetings; as a team we have been reading through Section J of the NCC and learning to fill out and DTS report including learning to use a glazing calculator. The dead line of the design competition is looming, time to do some extra hard work!

Poornima reporting: Week 5 of internship and we are half way through it. This week we were briefed on DTS, National construction code provisions to demonstrate compliance with energy efficiency performance requirements and we were given to prepare a professional report. Also, I had the opportunity to attend two meetings of new projects under Peddle Thorp. One was of a residential project and another being of a government building. It was very interesting to see how the architects and various stakeholders discuss different design options, their pros and cons and come to an agreement. Parallelly, we have been working on our house design for the competition, imparting the recommendations from the senior architects and have got 9.4 rating. Hope to complete it before deadline.

Thinking about incorporating ESD initiatives into your next project?

Whether you are considering incorporating ESD initiatives into your next project, or you need to demonstrate a commitment to sustainable design to planning authorities, or you need Section J reporting for Building Permit, we would love to hear from you!
